What the Chiac?!?

Ray Hiltz
2 min readOct 25, 2021


What the Chiac?!?

Since moving to Montreal and learning “la langue de Tremblay” resident francophones often ask where I’m from. Now, I usually take that as meaning they are picking up not so subtle English accent, but no, 70% of the time they assume I’m German or Eastern European. I think my physical appearance has a lot to do with that. The other 30% — “Ah. Tu viens de Toronto?”

I was born in raised in Moncton, New Brunswick where ’Y a beaucoup de gens qui parlent le chiac. Chiac was the commonly spoken language at home. English was spoken when there were anglophones present. I only spoke English was sent to English school because my mother was anglophone and from Nova Scotia. I never realized English was a matriarchy. I was the resident “tête-carrée”. My Grand-mère, who was as dextrous with her fly-swatters as a Ninja was with nunchucks, would call me that often — especially when ticked off at something I did — or didn’t do.

So what is chiac?

One could compare it to “joual” but the difference is that in addition to anglicisms, there are a lot of 17th-century French vocabulary and old nautical terms used. There is also some mixing of English verbs that are conjugated like the French equivalents. Like “joual, there is a lot of literal translations of English idioms. The dialect isn’t popular with the French literary folk.

Paradoxically, growing with Acadian French around me, I was very confused in French class when I would eagerly put my hand up to answer: “(pointing to an image of a hat) What is this?” — Yeas, Raymond.

“Un calotte” I responded with a smile.

“No. Hear we learn good French, Mr Hiltz”

I was traumatized.

And that is why to this day I speak french with an Eastern European accent.

Here are some fun Chiacisms:

- “J’ai backé mon car dans la driveway.”

- Dude, worry pas ta brain. Ça va être fine.

- “Check ça out, pi call-moi back.”

For examples of chiac-in-action, check out some of my favourite bands. Radio-Radio”, Lisa Leblanc or Les Hay Babies



Ray Hiltz

Director of Digital Marketing for i24 Call Management Solutions, Montreal. My other interests include politics, human rights & the arts.